Life has a way of stirring up our substance in its ebb and flow. Trauma is stored in the body, and sometimes we don't even realize that we have been carrying it around until we begin to experience problems that just don’t align with our self-concept or life goals. When our body and mind are cut off from each other, we experience overwhelm, numbness, anxiety, and helplessness. Trauma touches every aspect of our lives, and symptoms persist until we come back in contact with the parts of ourselves that have been left behind out of protection. The incredible news is that you can heal trauma and you do not have to do it alone.
Healing happens through connection with others. A therapeutic relationship grounded by trust, permits a safe journey through deeply felt sources of dissatisfaction. It is valuable to have someone in your corner to help make sense of your world, and to support your exploration of barriers that keep you from living a free and fulfilling life. The fact that you have landed on this site is a huge step toward your path of healing.

"I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language."